- Videovigilancia
- Fuentes de Energía
- Redes
- Audio & Video
- Acceso & Asistencia
- Alarmas & Intrusión
- Cableado Estructurado
- Categoría 6
- Faceplate Y Cajas Universales
- Organización y fijación de cables
- Fibra óptica : Monomodo
- Racks y Gabinetes
- Categoría 5e
- Categoría 6A
- Herramienta
- Cables
- Accesorios Y Herramientas Fibra Óptica
- Accesorios - Cableado Estructurado
- Fibra óptica : Multimodo
- Gabinetes
- Charolas y Organizadores
- Racks
- Jacks y Conectores
- Tierras Físicas y Pararrayos
- Varios
- Incendio
- Almacenamiento
- Switches PoE
- Jumpers
- Servidor de Administración
- Switches
- Videovigilancia
- Cables y Conectores
- Energía
- Cámaras IP y NVRs
- Accesorios Generales
- Transceptores de Video
- Gabinetes para Cámaras
- Iluminadores IR y de Luz Blanca
- Montajes y Brackets para Cámaras
- Gabinetes de Acero para DVR y NVR
- Cajas de Interconexión
- Controladores PTZ
- Probadores de Video
- Lentes
- Micrófonos
- Kits Extensores, Convertidores , Divisores, HDMI, VGA, DVI
- Partes o Refacciones
- Accesorios para Computadora y Smartphones
- Accesorios Ethernet y Fibra
- Kits- Sistemas Completos
- Videoporteros e Interfonos
- Cámaras y DVRs HD TurboHD / AHD / HD-TVI
- Protección Contra Descargas
- Videograbadoras Móviles, Dash Cams y Body Cams
- Servidores / Almacenamiento
- Monitores Pantallas y Mobiliario
- Software VMS y Analíticas
- Drones, Robots e Industrial
- Conectividad
- Radiocomunicación
- Accesorios para Motorola
- Accesorios para ICOM
- Accesorios para KENWOOD
- Accesorios para Hytera (HYT)
- Accesorios para Otras Marcas
- Radios ICOM Aéreos
- Aplicaciones y Soluciones
- Antenas
- Protección Contra Descarga
- Equipo de Laboratorio
- Energía
- Cables
- Torres y Mástiles
- Radios ICOM WiFi
- Radios Amateur
- Radios Marinos
- Radios Comerciales ICOM / KENWOOD / TXPRO
- Sistemas Troncalizados
- Racks y Gabinetes
- Adaptadores
- Filtros y Sistemas en RF
- Conectores
- Refacciones
- Cobertura Celular 5G, 4G, 3G y Voz
- Radios LTE
- Soluciones Marinas
- Soluciones RITRON
- Radio Satelitales
- Radios Comerciales TXPRO
- Conectividad
- Redes e IT
- IoT / GPS / Telemática y Señalización Audiovisual
- Barras de Luz / Torretas Vehiculares
- Mini Barras Vehiculares
- Estrobos / Burbujas Vehiculares
- Luces Auxiliares Vehiculares
- Luces Auxiliares para Motocicletas
- Barras de Luz para Interior Vehiculares
- Barras Directoras de Tráfico Vehiculares
- Sirenas / Bocinas y Controladores Vehiculares
- IoT, GPS y Telemática
- Videograbadoras Móviles y Portátiles
- Luces Auxiliares para Ambulancias
- LoRa
- Luces para Montacargas y Grúas
- Luces Auxiliares para Vehículos Todo Terreno
- Luces / Bocinas para la Industria y Edificios
- Luces Auxiliares para Bicicletas
- Sensores
- Conectividad
- Accesorios Vehiculares
- Energía / Herramientas
- Baterías y Cargadores
- Energía Solar
- Accesorios / Cables / Jumpers
- Controladores de Carga MPPT
- Controladores de Carga PWM
- Montajes Completos para Módulos
- KIT SOLAR - Sistema Aislado
- Módulos Solares
- KIT SOLAR - Interconexión
- Inversores Interconexión (On Grid)
- Inversores Aislados (Off Grid)
- Convertidores Solares PoE
- Montajes para Módulos por Partes
- Baterías Ácido Plomo
- Baterías Litio
- Inversores Híbridos
- Microinversores
- Protecciones Vcc
- Iluminación
- Calidad de la Energía
- Área Eléctrica
- Fuentes de Poder
- Respaldo de Energía
- Climatización / Refrigeración
- Ferreteria
- Gabinetes y Cajas
- Bombeo
- Automatización e Intrusión
- Total Connect Honeywell
- Paneles de Alarma
- Teclados
- Módulos de Expansión
- Gabinetes y Carcasas
- Cables
- Energía
- Control de Acceso
- Contactos Magnéticos
- Detectores / Sensores
- Centrales de Monitoreo
- Cercas Eléctricas
- Accesorios
- Protección Perimetral
- Generadores de Niebla
- Protección Contra Sobretensiones
- Herramientas
- Automatización - Casa Inteligente
- Señalamientos
- Sistemas de Emergencia
- Megafonía y Audioevacuación
- Videoverificación
- Paneles de Alarma y Accesorios Hikvision
- Conectividad
- Controladores
- Robots
- Visión y Lectores
- Automatización Honeywell
- Detección Honeywell
- Control de Acceso
- Accesorios
- Cerraduras
- Administración de Hoteles
- Control de Rondas Para Vigilantes
- Teclados Autónomos
- Paneles de Control de Acceso
- Detectores de Metal
- Equipo Blindado
- Fuentes de Alimentación
- Biométricos
- Identificación y Credencialización
- Protección de Mercancía (EAS)
- Inspección por Rayos X y Explosivos
- Videoporteros e Interfonos
- Herramientas
- Acceso Vehicular
- Protección Contra Descargas
- Sistemas de Emergencia
- Software de Asistencia
- Refacciones
- Lectoras y Tarjetas
- Torniquetes y Puertas de Cortesía
- Software de Acceso
- Conectividad
- Detección de Fuego
- Paneles de Incendio
- Fuentes de Alimentación
- Accesorios y Dispositivos Direccionables
- Detectores Autónomos
- Cables
- Protección Contra Sobretensiones
- Aplicaciones Especiales
- Herramientas
- Extinción de Incendio
- Panel para Aplicaciones Marinas
- Notificación y Voceo
- Señalamientos
- Sistemas de Emergencia
- Dispositivos Convencionales
- Probadores
- Conectividad
- HikFire by Hikvision
- Cableado Estructurado
- Audio y Video
- Robots e Industrial
- Fuentes de Energía
Audio & Video
Acceso & Asistencia
Alarmas & Intrusión
Cableado Estructurado
- Categoría 6
- Faceplate Y Cajas Universales
- Organización y fijación de cables
- Fibra óptica : Monomodo
- Racks y Gabinetes
- Categoría 5e
- Categoría 6A
- Herramienta
- Cables
- Accesorios Y Herramientas Fibra Óptica
- Accesorios - Cableado Estructurado
- Fibra óptica : Multimodo
- Gabinetes
- Charolas y Organizadores
- Racks
- Jacks y Conectores
- Tierras Físicas y Pararrayos
- Varios
- Incendio
- Almacenamiento
- Switches PoE
- Jumpers
- Servidor de Administración
- Switches
- Cables y Conectores
- Energía
- Cámaras IP y NVRs
Accesorios Generales
- Transceptores de Video
- Gabinetes para Cámaras
- Iluminadores IR y de Luz Blanca
- Montajes y Brackets para Cámaras
- Gabinetes de Acero para DVR y NVR
- Cajas de Interconexión
- Controladores PTZ
- Probadores de Video
- Lentes
- Micrófonos
- Kits Extensores, Convertidores , Divisores, HDMI, VGA, DVI
- Partes o Refacciones
- Accesorios para Computadora y Smartphones
- Accesorios Ethernet y Fibra
- Kits- Sistemas Completos
- Videoporteros e Interfonos
- Cámaras y DVRs HD TurboHD / AHD / HD-TVI
- Protección Contra Descargas
- Videograbadoras Móviles, Dash Cams y Body Cams
- Servidores / Almacenamiento
- Monitores Pantallas y Mobiliario
- Software VMS y Analíticas
- Drones, Robots e Industrial
- Conectividad
PLANET WGSW20160HP WGSW-20160HP Switch Administrable 16 puertos 10/100/1000 802.3at P
PLANET WGSW20160HP WGSW-20160HP Switch Administrable 16 puertos 10/100/1000 802.3at PoE 230W y 4 puertos GigabitTP/SFP Combo
(editar con el módulo de Información de seguridad y confianza para el cliente)
(editar con el módulo de Información de seguridad y confianza para el cliente)
(editar con el módulo de Información de seguridad y confianza para el cliente)
WGSW20160HP Switch Administrable 16 puertos 10/100/1000 802.3at PoE 230W y 4 puertos GigabitTP/SFP Combo WGSW-20160HP
- 16 Puertos 10/100/1000BASE-T RJ45.
- 4 Interfaces 1000BASE-X SFP compartidas con puertos 17 al 20.
- Alimenta dispositivos PoE 802.3af y PoE+ 802.3at. Maximo 30.8 Watts
- Potencia total: 230W.
Funciones Capa 2:
- Port Configuration Port Status Port Mirroring VLAN Link Aggregation QoS IGMP Snooping Access Control Bandwidth Control SNMP MIBs SSH SSL.
- 29.7 Mpps.
- Consola Telnet Interfaz web. SNMP v1 v2c v3.
Características físicas y eléctricas:
- Alimentación: 100~240 VCA 22W.
- Temperatura de operación: -0 ~ 50ºC
- Dimensiones: 440 x 300 x 44.5 mm 1U (Unidad de rack).
*1 año de garantía.
Ideal Solution for Secure IP Surveillance Infrastructure Particularly designed for the growing popular IP Surveillance applications PLANET Gigabit 802.3at PoE Managed Switch WGSW-20160HP is positioned as a Surveillance Switch with central management of remote power control and IP camera monitoring. The WGSW-20160HP provides built-in L2/L4 switching engine and intelligent PoE functions along with 16 10/100/1000Base-T ports featuring 30-watts 802.3at PoE in RJ-45 copper interfaces and 4 extra Gigabit TP/SFP combo interfaces supporting high speed transmission of surveillance images and videos. |
Perfect Integration Solution for IP PoE Camera and NVR System Differentiated from general IT industrial PoE Switch which usually contains 12 or 24 PoE ports the WGSW-20160HP provides 16 802.3at PoE+ ports for catering to medium to large scale of IP Surveillance networks at a lower total cost. With 40Gbps high performance switch architecture and 230-watts PoE power budget by the WGSW-20160HP the recorded video files from 16 PoE IP Cameras can be powered by the WGSW-20160HP and saved in the 8 / 16 / 32-channel NVR systems or surveillance software to perform comprehensive security monitoring. For instance one WGSW-20160HP can combine with one 16-Channel NVR and 16 PoE IP cameras as a kit for the administrators to centrally and efficiently manage the surveillance system in the local LAN and the remote site via Internet. |
Flexible and Extendable Uplink Solution The WGSW-20160HP provides 4 extra Gigabit TP/SFP combo interfaces supporting 10/100/1000Base-T RJ-45 copper to connect with surveillance network devices such as NVR Video Streaming Server or NAS to facilitate surveillance management. Or through these dual-speed fiber SFP slots it can also connect with the 100Base-FX / 1000Base-SX/LX SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) fiber transceiver to uplink to backbone switch and monitor center in long distance. The distance can be extended from 550 meters to 2km (multi-mode fiber) up to above 10/20/30/40/50/70/120 kilometers (single-mode fiber or WDM fiber). They are well suited for applications within the enterprise data centers and distributions. Centralized Power Management for Gigabit Ethernet PoE Networking To fulfill the needs of higher power required PoE network applications with Gigabit speed transmission the WGSW-20160HP features high performance Gigabit IEEE 802.3af PoE (Up to 15.4 watts) and IEEE 802.3at PoE+ (Up to30 watts) on all ports. It perfectly satisfies the PoE IP camera which needs high power consumption such as IR PTZ speed dome cameras or even box type IP cameras with built-in fan and heater. The PoE capabilities provided also help to reduce deployment costs for network devices as a result of freeing from restrictions of power outlet locations. Power and data switching are integrated into one unit delivered over a single cable and managed centrally. It thus eliminates cost for additional AC wiring and reduces installation time. Built-in Unique PoE Functions for Surveillance Management As a managed PoE Switch for surveillance network the WGSW-20160HP features four special PoE Management functions: ???PD ALIVE Check ???Scheduled Power Recycling ???SMTP/SNMP Trap Event Alert ???PoE Schedule Intelligent Powered Device Alive Check The WGSW-20160HP can be configured to monitor connected PD (Powered Device) status in real-time via ping action. Once the PD stops working and is without response the WGSW-20160HP will resume the PoE port power and bring the PD back to work. It will greatly enhance the network reliability through the PoE port resetting the PD’s power source and reduce administrator management burden. |
Scheduled Power Recycling The WGSW-20160HP allows each of the connected PoE IP cameras to reboot in a specific time each week. Therefore it will reduce the chance of IP camera crash resulting from buffer overflow. SMTP/SNMP Trap Event Alert Though most NVR or camera management software offers SMTP email alert function the WGSW-20160HP further provides event alert function to help to diagnose the abnormal device owing to whether or not there is a break of the network connection loss of PoE power or the rebooting response by PD Alice Check process. PoE Schedule for Energy Saving Besides being used as an IP Surveillance the WGSW-20160HP is certainly applicable to construct any PoE network including VoIP and Wireless LAN. Under the trend of energy saving worldwide and contributing to the environmental protection on the earth the WGSW-20160HP can effectively control the power supply besides its capability of giving high watts power. The “PoE schedule” function helps you to enable or disable PoE power feeding for each PoE port during specified time intervals and it is a powerful function to help SMB or Enterprise save power and money. |
Cost-Effective PoE Switch Solution for IPv6 Networking Faced with the increasingly large number of IP cameras and Wireless APs being installed and deployed in all kinds of applications more and more network equipment starts to support IPv6 protocol for next generation networking. To fulfill the demand of IPv6 the WGSW-20160HP supports both IPv4 and IPv6 management functions. It can work with original IPv4 network structure and also support the new IPv6 network structure. With easy and friendly management interfaces and plenty of management functions included the WGSW-20160HP is the best choice for IP Surveillance and Wireless service providers to connect with IPv6 network. Efficient Management For efficient management the WGSW-20160HP Managed Switch is equipped with console WEB and SNMP management interfaces. With the built-in Web-based management interface the WGSW-20160HP offers an easy-to-use platform-independent management and configuration facility. The WGSW-20160HP supports standard Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and can be managed via any standard-based management software. For text-based management the WGSW-20160HP can be accessed via Telnet and the console port. Moreover the WGSW-20160HP offers secure remote management by supporting SSH SSL and SNMPv3 connection which encrypt the packet content at each session. Robust Layer 2 Features The WGSW-20160HP can be programmed for advanced switch management functions such as dynamic Port link aggregation Q-in-Q VLAN private VLAN Multiple Spanning Tree protocol(MSTP) Layer 2 to Layer 4 QoS bandwidth control and IGMP / MLD Snooping. The WGSW-20160HP provides 802.1Q Tagged VLAN and the VLAN groups allowed will be maximally up to 255. Via aggregation of supporting ports the WGSW-20160HP allows the operation of a high-speed trunk combining multiple ports and supports fail-over as well. Powerful Security The WGSW-20160HP offers comprehensive Layer 2 to Layer 4 Access Control List (ACL) for enforcing security to the edge. It can be used to restrict network access by denying packets based on source and destination IP address TCP/UDP ports or defined typical network applications. Its protection mechanism also comprises 802.1x Port-based and MAC-based user and device authentication. With the private VLAN function communication between edge ports can be prevented to ensure user privacy. The WGSW-20160HP also provides DHCP Snooping IP Source Guard and Dynamic ARP Inspection functions to prevent IP snooping from attack and discarding ARP packets with invalid MAC address. The network administrators can now construct highly secured corporate networks with considerably less time and effort than before. |
WGSW-20160HP Switch Administrable 16 puertos 10/100/1000 802.3at PoE 230W y 4 puertos GigabitTP/SFP Combo WGSW20160HP
14-11-2024 11:23:02 SSN14 U-0
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